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The Liebster Award

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Thank you soooooooooo much Esse Hearts for nominating me for the Liebster award. This is all relatively new to me and I have only been blogging for a month as a part of my new years resolution, but I am trying really hard to keep blogging even if I'm the only one that reads it. So far I have had great response to my blog and I love finding new blogs that cover a variety of topics and seeing how people have different writing styles and interests.

For this I will be following Esse Hearts examples and revealing 11 randomj facts about myself, answering her 11 questions and nominating blogs with fewer than 200 followers and ask them to do the same.


1. I used to attend the BRIT School (and went there the same time as Ella Eyre, King Krule and Sasha Keable)

2. I was on TV show on BBC3 called the insider (you can watch my episode here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5CCvtqcNdE&list=PLnXJh42igx6fi7ZKYPcPoM1AVCE6igELv)

3.My favourite film franchise is the Fast and Furious films (that's mostly because of my obsession with Vin Diesel)

4. My celeb crushes in no particular order are Vin Diesel, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Tyrese Gibson and Charlie Hunham (There are many more be we ain't got all day)

5. I have never broken a bone in my body, but have always wanted just so I could get a cast and get my friends to sign it.

6. I hate hate hate cake, which most people find really weird. But it make me gag and is just so eurgh...

7. I'm always loud. I have two volumes loud and LOUDER!!!!! The only time I'm quiet is when I'm asleep.

8. I'm 5'10'' and tried to be a model, but kept on getting rejected so I decided to get into fashion another way.

9. My go to karaoke song would be anything by Beyonce, because lets face it, she's awesome.

10. My favourite book in my life so far is Memoirs of a Geisha. 

11. My favourite food is probably sushi or steak. I love me some fish and I love me some meat. Give me a bloody rare steak and some mash and I am happy.  


1.  What and/or who inspires you?

My mother is my biggest influence in life. She is a single mum, and even though I'm only child I can only image how had it must be.  She works hard in everything she does to achieve what she wants including buying her own home. She is my best friend and she always encourages me to try new things and be the best I can be.
My career inspiration is Kelly Cutrone, as she is a PR maven with the fashion industry and she is well respected with a lot of influence.

2. Who is your favourite actor/actress?

My favourite actor/actress always changes depending on what I'm watching or films are out. In terms of acting ability I am a big fan of Sandra Bullock and loved her in the blindside. But my overall favourite actress at the moment is Zoe Saldana.

3.What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I really enjoy get my thought and opinions out with blogging. It's a bit like having an online diary, I can get lost in what I'm writing and ramble on and on, but I know I'm being 100% myself. Even if no one else is reading my blog I have it for me, bgut I also have the opportunity to share it. Other people get an insight into my crazy mind.

4.What is your most memorable moment?

Probably when I got my acceptance letter to the BRIT School. I remember ringing my mum and running around like a mental patient but it was awesome. I was so nervous in the lead up to getting that letter and it set me up for where I am now.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

I am  a city girl and I always say fresh air makes me feel a bit sick. As I already live in London I would happily live in New York, some place cool like Brooklyn. Or somewhere like Tokyo, Japan. I hear their big on KFC out there. 

6.What are three things you cannot live without?

I could not live without...hmmmm....I don't know. Probably my friends and family, I don't think I rely on anything to much besides the people on my life that I wouldn't be able to live without it. When the internet goes down I read a book. I don't wear make-up everyday and I have hardly any hair.

7.If you could be any Disney princess, who would you be?

If I could be any Disney princess I would Mulan, who is also my favourite princess. She is FIERCE. Becoming top dog in a man's world, she is a good feminist hero for young girls. And she was willing to do some things I know a lot of girls would be scared to do. You go GUURRRRLLLLL!!!!!!!!

8.Favourite TV Series?

Now this is a hard question as my favourite changes on my mood, the time of year and what's actually on. At the moment I love love love, and can not wait for the return of House of Cards. Kevin Spacey is an evil genius as Frank Underwood. And Claire is his ride or die on the hunt for power. They are like the evil political version of Jay Z and Beyonce.

9.When/why did you start blogging?

This is my second time on this blogging rodeo. My first attempt at blogging was couple of years ago and was done for all the wrong reasons. I was obsessed with becoming famous. This new blog I have started has a birthday of January 2015 and I am doing this blog with hopes of it furthering my career in fashion PR. It also acts as an outlet for me which is great. I feel 100x better about this blog then my previous attempt.

10.If you could meet anyone, who would it be?

Beside my career inspiration Kelly Cutrone and all my celeb crushes I would love to meet Rihanna. I think she has an amazing sense of style, a great career and I think we could have a laugh whilst chilling on a yacht in Barbados.

11.Describe yourself in three words.

Crazy. Loud. Awesome

My nominations

My 11 Questions for you guys are...

1. What is your dream career?
2. What is your favourite place on Earth and why?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
4. If you could be a character in any TV Show, film or book who would you be?
5. What would your death row dinner be?
6. If you could meet someone famous dead or alive who would it be?
7. What is your favourite book?
8. What is your best skill?
9.What is something you wish you invented?
10. If you could be any ice cream flavour what would you be and why?
11. Who is your style inspiration?

I look forward to seeing everyone's answers and thanks again to Esse Hearts for nominating me


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